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  • Writer's pictureSarah Hoskin

Day 7. Unexpected Completion of the Practice. The Venus Spiral Rose. 🌹🌀🌹

It poured with rain on Saturday night, so I parked up on the main road and walked down to the circle from the road. I love the view of the circle when I enter from the west. Such an amazing view of the circle of stones with the center of the stone at such a powerful angle.

I remember reading years ago that for the center stone to not only be at this angle, but to remain at the same angle for hundreds, if not thousands of years, that its base must be deep and wide under the earth. What a powerful metaphor. Its foundation is deep, wide, stable and strong. Nothing can knock it over.

I listened to the Magnetic Base practice again, this time beginning the practice as I walked down to the circle. Walking down the path led me through the introduction.

"The  Magnetic  Foundation  is  found  in  your  pelvic  bowl.  It  offers  a  sense  of  embodied  safety,  security, sexual  integrity,  inner  strength,  and  independence  to  help  create  our  own  inner  pillar.  
It  allows  us  to  flow  with  our  emotions  and  sexuality.  
It  allows  us  to  have  healthy  emotional  boundaries  on  a  sexual,  personal  and  emotional  level.
With  a  healthy,  intact,  magnetic  ground,  we  can  fully  engage  in  our  intimate  relationships.  We  can  love  ourselves  and  be  sovereign  and  therefore  be  open  and  vulnerable  to  others.
It  is  here  that  our  safety  is  intact  within  us  on  a  core  level  and  from  here  we  relate  to  others  from  our  place  of  true  desire  rather  than  need.
Deeper  surrender  comes  from  knowing  ourselves and  being  individuated.  The  magnetic  ground  provides  a  felt  structure  for  resting  in  yourself  on  a  physical, emotional,  and  sexual  level,  uniting  all  three  of  these  into  a  matrix  that  bridges  multiple  dimensions  of our  experience." Katherine Zorensky,

Yes. This. Every word of this resonates deep within my pelvic bowl, my magnetic base.

I entered the circle from the west, listening and breathing with the practice. I walked one time around the outside of the circle, one time on the inside, two times weaving in and out of the stones to create a complete weaving.

As I walked, the circle revealed that not only is it an outer mirror of our inner magnetic ground and spiral base, it also contains of all of the Venus Portals ~ the individual portals and the whole. I saw and felt the five portals reveal themselves to me as I walked, touching each stone as I walked by. The quartz stone on the south end of the circle, with the roses intentionally spread out at its base, spoke to me as one of the Venus Portals.

As within, so without.

All here. The whole journey of the Venus Portals path. We can walk the entire Venus Portals path here at Boscawen'un. We can receive the container and the template for the portals here at Boscawen'un - like the beautiful rosebud, and then we can unfurl the petals of the portals and walk the Spiral Path to visit each of the portals individually, one rose petal at a time.

The Venus Spiral Rose


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