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I love to walk.  

I love to write.

I love to share the journey.

I walk the sacred spirals of the ancient pilgrimage paths and sacred sites along the "dragon" ley lines of the Earth.  I walk local paths. I walk to be in Nature.  I walk labyrinths and spirals. I walk to move my body and celebrate my life.  I walk to come home to the truth of who I truly am, to connect with Earth and Spirit, human and divine, and to deepen in love.  I choose to live my life deeply embodied and aligned with my soul's essence.

My intention is to walk In Love, As Love, For Love.

I am a pilgrim of the Spiral Path. 

I am a Venus Portals guide.

I am a DreamWeaver.

I am a Guide, Teacher, & Leader.

I am a Writer, Blogger and Author.

I am a Certified Life Coach. (CCPC) 

Deepening into the Center of the Spiral.jpeg

I have led Spiral Path Pilgrimage Walks & Retreats

in Glastonbury and Cornwall in the

Southwest of England.

Over the past ten years, my passion has been to explore and experience the Venus Womb Spiral - the internal Venus Portals pathways and the external sacred spiral womb paths in Penwith, Cornwall.  These sacred journeys continue to take me more and more deeply into the womb~heart essence in the core of my being and as a result, create and establish a strong foundation for who I am as a woman and as the embodiment of the Divine Feminine.


With each internal and external pilgrimage journey,

 I root more deeply into my essence, the Earth and

Divine Source. I experience a deeper strength and clarity within, an embodied presence and connection that cultivates a ferocity and demands a willingness

to stand in truth and love.

I would love to share the sacred spiral paths

and the gifts from these transformational

journeys with you.  

It is from this place within myself of truth and love that I offer the Venus Spiral Path.
For women who feel disconnected or lost in some way or other and seek to find their home within themselves. From the deep desire they feel to
co-create the lives they are here to live and share the gifts they are here to share.

Sarah is a wonderful leader. She has a way of helping you to deepen your experience and understanding in a safe and supportive container.

 I have been aware of and walking labyrinths for a number of years now.  I found walking the labyrinths to be meditative and opening.

More recently, I joined Sarah on on a few labyrinth walks that incorporated some of the chakras.  It was also opening and meditative but it also brought a whole other dimension to the process.  One I never really anticipated or expected.  In many ways walking with a specific chakra in mind revealed more than I could ever have imagined.  It was not clear to me at the outset how much more I could or would experience.  The analogy of peeling back the layers of onion comes to mind as each successive walk brought more depth and awareness to me on various levels.

She makes the walks accessible and easy.  She creates an environment for you to experience and feel whatever is right for you.  There is no pressure or expectation.

Susi, Baker Extraordinaire


The Spiral Path calls and challenges us to walk deeply and to live rooted and aligned, awake and aware. It calls us to be willing to connect with our core selves and from the depths of our deepest desires and dreams, aligned with our soul gifts, authentic beauty and creative genius, to live an extraordinary and free life! 

As well as joining my Newsletter below, I invite you to check out my old blog page, if you feel inclined to dive deeper. Here, I share the gifts received from my pilgrimages and spiral path explorations during the last decade...


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